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I wonder if this is better suited for the EM forum, but you do need to know what you're getting into!

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Many years ago I was seeing a consult in the ED and a gen surg friend called me over for a curbside on “a brown eye”. Bud Light if I remember correctly.

This reminds me of an X-ray meme I saw. To anyone who hasn't been on That 70's Show, the dad, Red Forman, often threatens to kick people's asses in very creative manners. In an Instagram dedicated to that show, I saw a meme saying "Nobody, Red Forman:" and an X-ray of a foot in someone's ass. Not real, but pretty hilarious.
I can tell you that picture is 100% real and not a meme. What I cannot tell you is how that individual managed to get the bottle in. Definitely Bud Hard instead of Bud Light
I can tell you that picture is 100% real and not a meme. What I cannot tell you is how that individual managed to get the bottle in. Definitely Bud Hard instead of Bud Light
I don't doubt this is real. I doubt the one with a foot in someone's ass is.