Is this what volunteering abroad means?

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Dec 9, 2022
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I often woudl go to NOLA to visit faimly and there, I would volunteer with some orgs during my visits.
a seocndary question asks if i have volunteered abroad but i just realized by abroad they probably mean a poor country, not a canadian volunteering in the states while visting family, right? Should I answer no? Or did I understand the question correctly? does mine count anyways?

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If you are applying to US medical schools, the school's are most likely asking US applicants if they have volunteered outside the US. If you have not volunteered outside of the US and Canada, I would suggest that you say "no" to that question as saying that you volunteered in New Orleans will seem *****ic unless someone is paying attention and notes that you are Canadian and are taking the question to mean volunteering anywhere except Canada.
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