good things about NYU Summer Research Experience for Dental Students ?

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I am contemplating to participate in this program during the summer as a incoming D1 student. This allow me to settle down in the school early and gain some research experiences. Other than getting research experiences, are there any good things about this program? I am wondering if it's worth the time to try out. thanks:)

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if you get into the summer program make sure you do it. not only will be get teamed up with a faculty member, whom you might need a letter from one day in your career, and also you will be put on a project to work on with an upperclassmen ( i think ). also it might be your only chance to do research. After D1 you might risk the possibility of remediating one or two classes which disqualifies you from the program and also you will be competing with more qualified students if you plan to do it after D1. Its a great experience if you want to specialize, if not its still good to put on your resume, i think all participants get some stipend and a chance to publish their work.
if you get into the summer program make sure you do it. not only will be get teamed up with a faculty member, whom you might need a letter from one day in your career, and also you will be put on a project to work on with an upperclassmen ( i think ). also it might be your only chance to do research. After D1 you might risk the possibility of remediating one or two classes which disqualifies you from the program and also you will be competing with more qualified students if you plan to do it after D1. Its a great experience if you want to specialize, if not its still good to put on your resume, i think all participants get some stipend and a chance to publish their work.

how much is the stipend? Thanks.
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how much is the stipend? Thanks.

I would like to know the answer for this question as well. I am very interested in doing this research and I hope I don't have to pay for the housing at least since it's very expensive.
The stipend is $2500 I believe. I really regret not doing it last summer.
4000 bucks i think they might have changed it but that money is supposed to pay for your housing so i think that 2500 is after housing.
4000 bucks i think they might have changed it but that money is supposed to pay for your housing so i think that 2500 is after housing.

hello mmasurf,

So, does everyone who is in the program get the stipend. Or other the selected few in the program get the stipend. I would love to do it, but only when I have enough stipend to cover the housing and living expense while working. Thanks
4000 bucks i think they might have changed it but that money is supposed to pay for your housing so i think that 2500 is after housing.

1500 for two months of NYU housing seems to be too low. Isn't it usually more than 1000 a month?
I emailed NYU about the stipend because I also applied for a spot. I got a email from stephanie russell saying,
"Please make sure you request housing - it is not a problem to get housing, and your stipend more than pays for that - however, much of the stipend does go towards your housing." So I know we get free housing but i dont know how much we are goin to have left over.
I went to NYU, I honestly dont think it matters... research or not (if you are trying to specialize) at the end of the day... all specialties care about are your board scores, class rank and personality... the rest is just filler... Ive been through the process and was only asked about my research once....
does every incoming D1 student who applied into the summer research program? What criteria does the school look for when applying?
the stipend is 2500. you get it after your 6 weeks of research. it comes in one lump sum.
I will be doing the summer research program this summer. As far as stipend goes, we get 500 dollars a week for 8 weeks but the housing will cost 250 bucks a week. hope this helps
last summer i did research at NYUCD as a volunteer and i was grouped with the incoming D1 students. there are also guest speakers during the program and opportunities to present your research. i was offered the opportunity to present at a larger research conference but was unable to because of my schedule. you also get the opportunity to continue the research during the year and for 5 weeks after 2nd year i believe. i met a couple 2nd years who were doing research. i was also able to attend a masters level literature critique class that met weekly.

i would say that one negative is that with 8 weeks it is difficult to get significant amount of results. i volunteered for 10 and had problems because i was helping to develop a protocol. for the D1s, i think it was a great opportunity to get to know other students in their class before orientation and already start building some connections. for me, one of the benefits was getting to talk to current dental students and learning more about what to expect.
Are students in this program usually dental students?