This sucks, but as has been said many times to prospective students, schools are literally accepting anyone who is alive. Just because you are accepted to pharmacy school, doesn't mean you will ever graduate. And some schools will push people through graduation even though they have taught the students nothing, and then the students can't ever pass the NAPLEX and actually work as a pharmacist. It may be too late for you OP, but hopefully other prospective students will read your story (and the many other similar stories here) and take it to heart.
As for you personally, OP, if you want actual helpful answers, you need to tell us the rest of the story. Schools don't normally expel someone for failing a rotation twice.....unless of course the student had a history of failure and was on shaky ground already. Also important, why did you fail the rotation? Lack of knowledge? Laziness--not doing the work or showing up for your rotation? Unprofessionalism--sexual harassment, cheating, out and out rudeness and contempt for the people you were working with?
And why are you asking if you should start over and repeat everything? Do you mean your last year of rotations? Do you mean starting again at another pharmacy school, because it is extremely unlikely you would be accepted at another pharmacy school (because spoiler alert, even though I said pharmacy schools were literally accepting anyone who is alive, one exception to that is someone who was expelled from another pharmacy school.)
If you really want to be a pharmacist, and with the information you've given, I can't say if that is a reasonable or desirable plan at this point, but if you really do, you need to talk with your school and find out what you can do to get reinstated.