GPA calculation/ repeated courses

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Christian predent
7+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, quick question guys

This is what AADSAS say:
When applicants repeat courses, AADSAS calculates the grades earned in both the original and the repeated course, even if the institution does not.

Now my thing is that I took Orgo I in my undergrad and got a C. After graduating I came back and enroll in a second degree program and took Orgo and got a B+. Now does AADSAS calculate both grades together. Is enrolling in a different program after graduating and taking the course again considered as repeat??? If so how does AADSAS calculate both the B+ and C to derive to a single grade?
thanks guys:thumbup:

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I don't know in your specific case, but I can tell you what AADSAS probably meant. Some Universities have a forgiveness policy where if you score below a D in a course you are allowed to re-take it and the old grade will not be calculated in your GPA. For my university you're allowed to do it 2 times. So AADSAS means that even though your university does not count it, they do. It's averaged into your gpa like everything else.
I don't know in your specific case, but I can tell you what AADSAS probably meant. Some Universities have a forgiveness policy where if you score below a D in a course you are allowed to re-take it and the old grade will not be calculated in your GPA. For my university you're allowed to do it 2 times. So AADSAS means that even though your university does not count it, they do. It's averaged into your gpa like everything else.

ok, I am gona give them a call and find out. thanks anyway
what dental schools are there that don't look at both scores with a repeated course