GRE Sending Scores in Time?

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15+ Year Member
Aug 5, 2004
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I have several schools with 12-1 and 12/15 deadlines. I am worried that I won't be able to apply since ETS states that the turnaround time to get scores out for th subject test is 6 weeks. After reading school websites they state that if EVERYTHING isn't handed in by that date they won't look at it. So if my subject doesn't get there in time am I screwed? Or do they understand that the darn subject test is only offered 2 weeks before deadlines?

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I'm sure they are aware that the subject test is only offered a few times a year. Almost everyone applying will be in the same boat, after all. There is often a space on the application to write the date that you took/will take the tests. If they read that, they will know that you cannot possibly get the results to them by 12/1.

BTW, one school I'm applying to has a December deadline for applications, but they state that mid-January is the absolute deadline for all supporting materials. I bet a lot of early-deadline schools have the same policy, even if they don't state it explicitly.
Thank you winnie! I just registered tonight for the subject...didn't list my 4 schools cuz I don't have absolutes yet (depends on my GRE scores and if faculty I like is taking on new students for 2005).

I once thought I wanted to be premed and thought that application process was daunting...boy was I wrong.

About 50% of my list of schools is December apps. Some as early as 12/1. My entire Xmas break will be spent doing those apps...yippee!
I did contact one of the schools tht has a Dec. deadline...they said that it was fine because everyone would be in same boat. I'm sure most schools will have same policy. You'd think they start offering more dates for test...or make it computerized.