Harvard Extension School Premed Postbac

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Oct 5, 2021
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Hey! I’m just waiting to hear back from Harvard Extension. Those that applied recently how long did it take you to hear back from them?

Also did anyone take Biology I, Organic chemistry I and Physics I in the fall semester with labs? I have a strong biology background but much less strong in chemistry and physics. Is it possible? Anyone do any of these and work?

Thanks so much in advance

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Don’t know much about timelines and what not but I would not recommend that schedule if you are working in the side. If you aren’t, it will be tough still but not impossible depending on how rigourous extension courses are. Do you get an advisor?
Great. OK thanks I won’t plan on working, I want to get the best grades possible and study for the MCAT also. Yes, Harvard Extension provides you with an advisor. Thanks again.