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Feb 27, 2020
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So, I waited for Post Bacc application round to open up for 2020. Submitted my app Feb 2. I thought Harvard Post Bacc would be perfect for me as my former college did not prepare me well in my Psychology Major. No cal, no org and gen chem, no physics. My goal is to attend Med School and become Clinical Psychiatrist in Pediatric/Adolescent Medicine. I have already registered with Harvard Extension, but found its more diy, no structure and no financial aid until after 3 classes. The classes are pricey. I would need about 11,000 out of pocket. No fam help or friends. So when I found about the Post Bacc program, which accepts financial aid off the bat... I was gung ho! Also, there is a commitment to assisting you obtain your goals.
Alas, just 26 days after my application was submitted, I received the dreaded email rejection. That was fast!! I knew it couldnt be good coming back that fast.
Im thinking of writing a sort of euphemistic appeal letter. Just wondering what caused the almost immediate rejection. Maybe computer error? Or tips where I could improve? I thought the purpose was to ready you for med school admission, not to be eligible yet. I know I need science core courses and direction.
Any thoughts? I am really disappointed.

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What is you background, GPA, accomplishments, ect?

Harvard is competitive at all levels. I doubt there was an error, Harvard is just very selective. Nobody can expect to just get in to any of their programs, from undergrad, postbacc, law, med, or graduate.
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I thought the purpose was to ready you for med school admission, not to be eligible yet
You are correct that the purpose of 'career changer' post-baccs is to offer students a pathway to medical school. Some programs will not accept students who have taken too many of pre-reqs (doesn't seem to be the case in your situation). Without knowing your GPA and the rest of the application, it's hard to know why you were rejected. Anecdotally, HES seems to be better at rejecting people (instead of admitting them, taking their money, and then watching them drop out) than similar peer programs.
What is you background, GPA, accompaniments, ect?

Harvard is competitive at all levels. I doubt there was an error, Harvard is just very selective. Nobody can expect to just get in to any of their programs, from undergrad, postbacc, law, med, or graduate.
In general, most post-bacc programs are primarily there to bring in additional tuition dollars for their home institution, while offering students a pathway to get into medical school. Because of this, most post-baccs (save for a few selective programs) do not have particularly demanding admission standards, HES included, which is reflected in their respective attrition rates. Much like undergrad, the road to medical school via post-baccs is littered with the hopes and dreams of those who couldn't obtain competitive grades. Despite most of these programs listing 90+% success rates of getting into medical school, these numbers notably only include those who successfully finished the program and satisfied the academic requirements to obtain a committee letter. Just my thoughts
A letter of appeal probably won't do you much good. I suggest doing a DIY post-bacc at your nearest university. You might also do it at your local CC if you're really strapped for cash. Schools might look less favorably, though I imagine its less of a problem if your UG GPA is already solid.