Health Statistics - BCPM

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the prodogy

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Feb 21, 2007
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I was wondering if health statistics, an HSC class, could go under BCPM, since the core of the class dealt with math.

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Does it start with B, C, P, or M?
Then no.
Does it start with B, C, P, or M?
Then no.

A class like "Kinesiology - Exercise Physiology" doesn't start with B, C, P or M, but it still goes under BCPM (Biology to be more specific)
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Which dept runs it? If it's a sociology dept class, then I'd say no. Math dept class, then prob yes.

In the end it isn't your call but AMCAS who decides whether it counts or not.

It's run by the health science dept, same dept that runs kinesiology classes
you're probably fine. I had some "health science dept" classes that were translated to "biology" on AMCAS.

(edit: don't quote me though... this was many years ago)

Cool cool. I'm trying to find as many other classes that will transfer to BCPM, since my BCPM is a bit on the low side
A class like "Kinesiology - Exercise Physiology" doesn't start with B, C, P or M, but it still goes under BCPM (Biology to be more specific)

Neither does "Education Department" but my ED146 Intro Stats class was AMCAS BCPM certified.
I would put that in BCPM- I took a biostat course and it was in it... I think if the course title is "Health Statistics" you should be just fine!