Help: free Pharm tech ce sites (besides powerpak)

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5+ Year Member
Aug 18, 2017
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Hello all,

I need to complete CE hours to renew my Pharm Tech license in Michigan. Would you please list websites where I can earn free Pharm Tech CE hours?

Thank you in advance 🙂

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If you are working at retail, you should ask your pharmacist if the company offers free CE 🙂 They usually do through the training modules
If you are working at retail, you should ask your pharmacist if the company offers free CE 🙂 They usually do through the training modules
I wish I had done so but unfortunately I'm not working in the field at the time.
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pharmacy times has some free ones however they're usually for 1 credit each
PTCB has published some CE providers on their website. They’re not all free though, and most of the ones that offer free courses have a very limited selection.