HELP I forgot to add clinical activity to primary application

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Full Member
Apr 10, 2023
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As the title suggest I completely forgot to put an activity on my primary. Im a replicant, and the activity is on my previous app from last year, but on the process of reworking descriptions I forgot to transfer it and just now realized while working on secondaries.

My app is already a bit lacking in clinical hours during undergrad due to COVID, and this activity made up a big chunk (90 hours).
I am going to be doing hospice volunteering through this gap year (200 hours) which is on my primary app.
I am also taking a full time medical assistant/scribe job starting in July. This was not included in my primary as I just found out about it.
For context I submitted my primary may 31st.

I don't know what to do and would really appreciate any help thank you.

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This sucks. Unfortunately, this is why we post the PSA to not submit on 5/30-5/31 each year, as each year we see threads like this. In your particular situation we probably would have told you delay submitting until you could actually accrue some clinical hours in June-July, which may have been more high yield than applying on day 1. I bring this up not to kick you while you're down, but for other students who might make the same mistake next year...

There is not much to be done at this point. Since this was identified specifically as the weakness in your application on your prior threads, this may be a situation where you should annoy the schools you're applying to and send an update. Or perhaps you can find a way to mention in your secondaries.
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I see way too many cooking competition shows on Food Network, and it's pretty clear, you need to have all your required ingredients on the plate. Some people forget and that hurts them.

We don't know your application, so if you have a chance to include anything extra in your secondaries that was not mentioned in the rest of your application (a few schools have this prompt), you can probably sneak in mentioning what you did in the last year and what clinical opportunities are being lined up during your application year. You probably won't have a lot of characters to go into great detail (though I don't know where you're applying), so do the best you can. As Tim Gunn says, "Make it work." (Ironically, not on a cooking competition show, of course.)
Since my primary application has not been verified yet, would it be worth it to withdraw it and then add the activity and then resubmit it?
If you withdraw you are unable to resubmit I believe
This is correct, if you withdraw you may not resubmit again this year.

OP, talk about the activities in all your secondaries, that is the best you can do
Since my primary application has not been verified yet, would it be worth it to withdraw it and then add the activity and then resubmit it?
You received the correct information above, but just for the record here is the AMCAS FAQ which outlines that if you withdraw then that's it for this cycle: AMCAS® FAQs . Also, if your status is "under review" then it's already too late.