Medical Forgot to add required prerequisite to future coursework on AMCAS! Help!

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Jun 7, 2024
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Help! I am panicking.

I am taking Physics II with laboratory in the Spring 2025 Semester. I realized that I forgot to put this under course work on my AMCAS application and they won't change it. I have already been contacted by one school that I am missing prerequisites.

What do I do? I'm afraid this will make me not considered for some programs? Or if I email each one I will look irresponsible/look bad?

I've already submitted several secondaries and many of them do not have sections to add this.

Please let me know.

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Help! I am panicking.

I am taking Physics II with laboratory in the Spring 2025 Semester. I realized that I forgot to put this under course work on my AMCAS application and they won't change it. I have already been contacted by one school that I am missing prerequisites.

What do I do? I'm afraid this will make me not considered for some programs? Or if I email each one I will look irresponsible/look bad?

I've already submitted several secondaries and many of them do not have sections to add this.

Please let me know.
I would cross check against every school you're applying to that has a hard requirement of 2 semesters of physics (not just recommended but required) and email them indicating that you plan to take it in Spring of 2025. I don't think there's much else you can do other than contact admissions offices and try to pass them along that info.