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Nov 6, 2023
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I'll be done with my degree in about a year. Did not do as good as I wanted, GPA above a 3 but below a 3.3. I don't know exactly what it is or what it will end up being but something in there - my sciGPA is higher than my cGPA. But my overall academic record just isn't strong, I have a couple semesters where I withdrew and struggled with mental health.
I have been considering going into podiatry since they might even take me now, but it seems like a bad move given how bad the job market in that field is, and the poor ROI.
I'm sick of undergrad, I don't like being on campus, I have no friends, am extremely lonely, it's all around just a very unpleasant experience. It's not where I want to be. If I apply the Spring after I graduate I believe that will give me enough time to get my **** together. And the summer/fall after I graduate, I could pursue a program to show academic capability. I really like UNECOM and they have a clinical anatomy 1 year certificate program. Are these types of programs competitive? What are the best options in my situation?

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What is your MCAT score?
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When you are ready take MCAT and revisit here. Without MCAT it's hard to tell. Don't rush, one year is not going to make much difference. After you graduate you can still take some undergrad classes at community college to improve your GPA. How's your EC and shadowing? Maybe take a year off and do everything in that year. What state are you from?
I'll be done with my degree in about a year. Did not do as good as I wanted, GPA above a 3 but below a 3.3. I don't know exactly what it is or what it will end up being but something in there - my sciGPA is higher than my cGPA. But my overall academic record just isn't strong, I have a couple semesters where I withdrew and struggled with mental health.
I have been considering going into podiatry since they might even take me now, but it seems like a bad move given how bad the job market in that field is, and the poor ROI.
I'm sick of undergrad, I don't like being on campus, I have no friends, am extremely lonely, it's all around just a very unpleasant experience. It's not where I want to be. If I apply the Spring after I graduate I believe that will give me enough time to get my **** together. And the summer/fall after I graduate, I could pursue a program to show academic capability. I really like UNECOM and they have a clinical anatomy 1 year certificate program. Are these types of programs competitive? What are the best options in my situation?

The first and most important thing you need to do is get your mental health issues taken care of. Medical school is a furnace, and I've seen it break even healthy students. The #1 reason my school loses students to withdrawal, dismissal or LOA is to unresolved mental health issues.
When you are ready take MCAT and revisit here. Without MCAT it's hard to tell. Don't rush, one year is not going to make much difference. After you graduate you can still take some undergrad classes at community college to improve your GPA. How's your EC and shadowing? Maybe take a year off and do everything in that year. What state are you from?
Connecticut. ECs are good, volunteer EMT since highschool, lots of clinical jobs, lots of shadowing. It's just my GPA that is my biggest worry in my application.