Helpful Items for Rotations

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Apr 21, 2023
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I'm a current M2 getting ready to start rotations soon. I am interested to see if anyone has used or seen any helpful items/gadgets that have been useful on the wards.
I've seen clipboards with references on them, is there anything else out there that might be similar and helpful?

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Just make sure to have a clipboard, paper, and pen. For specific rotations have the necessary equipment (such as stethoscope for IM). Having too much stuff tends to weigh me down. A clipboard that folds in half is pretty nice.
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What helped me on the CVICU was to have a printed note template that I'd just fill out every morning for presentations. Something I made for myself that was structured to make the attending happy.
Great idea! I'm nervous that each attending will want presentations a different way so that will help keep me structured for different attendings
Just make sure to have a clipboard, paper, and pen. For specific rotations have the necessary equipment (such as stethoscope for IM). Having too much stuff tends to weigh me down. A clipboard that folds in half is pretty nice.
I'm thinking about getting something like this:

Amazon product ASIN B00C2EG826
Has anyone else seen any other students use this on the wards or will I stick out?
I'm thinking about getting something like this:

Amazon product ASIN B00C2EG826
Has anyone else seen any other students use this on the wards or will I stick out?
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The foldable clipboard noted above is pretty much a necessity. Some other things that I found immensely helpful:

- xnevo pro lens kit: Most phones suck when you get really close to something, but you may need to document something in a chart that is best viewed up close. This kit (or something similar) has a macro lens that clips over the camera on your phone and allows close-up detail.
- iPad mini: the truth about 3rd year is that there is a crap ton of downtime that you really need to utilize wisely. Starring at anki on your phone can be bad because no one knows what you are looking at. On the other hand, carrying an iPad or iPad mini makes it look like you are reading about a condition or looking at charts on Canto. I used my iPad to discretely do anki on rounds, in the OR, etc. when there was otherwise no real learning going on
are reading about a condition or looking at charts on Canto. I used my iPad to discretely do anki on rounds, in the OR, etc. when there was otherwise no real learning going on

I thought this in the beginning too. But then I realized that you just have to somehow let your attending/fellow/resident know that you are looking something up and angle your phone so that they can see you are doing something medical related. One trick I to use is just casually throwing in "it says here on UpToDate that......" or "Epoctrates says that.....", etc. Often times I just directly tell them "I hope you are ok with me looking things up on my phone, it's just more convenient, and I promise I would never use my phone for anything else during rounds otherwise". They appreciate the honest and directness. I have never had a problem with using my phone so far! To be honest - I think they're also wise enough to know that people can use iPad mini for facebook/instragam/etc just like an iphone.

The iPad mini idea works great too, but I just don't have the cash at the moment to spend $400 bucks when I have a wife and school loans to take care of!