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15+ Year Member
May 31, 2007
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I am an international graduate on J2 visa and am residing in illinois. My scores are :
part 1 87
part 2 78
gpa 3.09
I applied to dental school for two consecutive years but was not lucky enough to get into one. I did a few mnths of observership also. I think my GPA is very low. So in order to improve my GPA what should i do? I would appreciate any help in this regard. Thanks.

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I guess you were asking means that could overshadow your gpa( as it reflects the grades given during your course in your country) A gpa above 3.0 is always considered good. You can think of the following options to improve your chances. Work hard on improving your handskills because good number of schools would not consider the scores but do emphazize on good hand skills ( schools that conduct bench test). You could also add some research experience or a preceptorship/externship on your resume. I know a few people who have got admitted with a lower gpa than yours. work hard and improve other areas and you will reach your goal.

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worse,
That you must not quit.​
~ Author Unknown​
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