BOTH Hilar Lymphadenopathy vs. Pulmonary HTN on CXR

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7+ Year Member
Jul 15, 2015
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Anyone have any goods tips on differentiating the two without being a radiologist? They both look like a mediastinal cluster**** of opacity to me (unless the LN's are circular & moderately well-defined.)

I know you can always use the PHx to kind of weed out what the question is looking for (sarc vs. LF HF for example) but it would be nice to look at a plain film & immediately have a solid DDx.

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For reference, this is the specific flashcard that triggered this question... so is this an unreasonable flashcard to have considering there’s no PHx??

The card says the answer is primary pulmonary HTN.
View attachment 250576

For reference, this is the specific flashcard that triggered this question... so is this an unreasonable flashcard to have considering there’s no PHx??

The card says the answer is primary pulmonary HTN.
Maybe its reasonable and I just very very dumb. Or maybe it is just reasonable for Radiologist and AI.