Holiday calendar rules of thumb on application status (derived from LizzyM premed calendar)

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Oct 14, 2011
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When should predental applicants panic about their applications?

Thankfully, predental applicants don't seem to be as anxious, but I have to remember SDN is not a scientific sample. Here are some dates to observe to gauge your application status to prepare for a reapplication.

Note: consider yourself rejected until you get an offer. Good luck!

September 1/Labor Day: make sure your secondaries are in (if any, includes Kira Talent or Casper).

Thanksgiving: you should have at least one interview, but don't lose hope because more invitations will roll out before Christmas break.

CORRECTED SDN online vigil for...
Decision Day (December 15)! First round offers can be released at midnight ET and throughout the day. Spring interview invitations roll out as others with offers begin dropping their spots. Academic update summer/fall transcripts if you don't have an invitation to interview.

March 1: applicants with multiple offers disclosed to schools. At this point, if you don't have an interview, begin a reapp (contact references) but you might get an interview through June. Some schools should stop interviews by their spring breaks.

May 1: AADSAS window opening rule of thumb

July 1-4 Canada to Independence Day: submit AADSAS. Interview invitations should go out beginning mid-July for end of August interview dates.

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Yeah, they went back to December 1st. Glad it isn’t the 15th, that was stressful last cycle having finals coming up and worrying about acceptances.

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Okay then. Change the vigil to December 14. Pray your final exams don't hit on the 15th... :)

Check the traffic rules then:
30 day response to accept offers from December 15 to February 1
15 day response until March 1?