home pd says interview not given without step 2 ck score

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10+ Year Member
Mar 23, 2014
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is this a new thing or just his policy?

Asking because it may determine my upcoming scheduling choices D:

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Depends on the PD/program
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From my understanding this is completely specialty dependent and program dependent.
Most surgical sub specialties do not care.
There are some programs that do care.
IM and EM seem to care.
There may be some programs that do not care.
Totally depends. Per our advising here, for some specialties it's required by a lot of the best programs, while for other specialties nobody expects it at all. For people applying to the latter, they actually encourage you not to take step 2 before ERAS to eliminate the chance of doing poorly and hurting your chances.
Totally depends. Per our advising here, for some specialties it's required by a lot of the best programs, while for other specialties nobody expects it at all. For people applying to the latter, they actually encourage you not to take step 2 before ERAS to eliminate the chance of doing poorly and hurting your chances.
solid advising, we have been getting mixed signals on taking it. I chose to defer until eras is submitted.
They’re is a two week period in August I believe where you can take it and choose to release the scores or not.

You can submit ERAS as early as Sept. 8th, I believe the date to be correct. If you receive your score on Sept. 12th then you can update your application if you like the score, or not update it if you don’t like it.