Maximize Step 2 Score

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2+ Year Member
May 11, 2020
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What advice would you give a first year on maximizing their step 2 score?

The traditional approach is to study hard for step 1, then study hard for step 2. An alternate approach is to study with step 2 in mind from day 1.

1. How would an MS1 study with step 2 in mind from day 1 - what would they do differently?
2. In your opinion, is immediately studying with step 2 in mind the most efficient way to maximize the step 2 score - why or why not?

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1. How would an MS1 study with step 2 in mind from day 1 - what would they do differently?
-just grind your ass off for step 1. Mature AnKing. Do pathoma, sketchy, BnB, etc. The people who did this in my class are running circles around everybody else with their medical knowledge.

2. In your opinion, is immediately studying with step 2 in mind the most efficient way to maximize the step 2 score - why or why not?
-yes. Do the above. Once you're an M3 there's no time to catch up if you're behind and it is what it is
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1. How would an MS1 study with step 2 in mind from day 1 - what would they do differently?
-just grind your ass off for step 1. Mature AnKing. Do pathoma, sketchy, BnB, etc. The people who did this in my class are running circles around everybody else with their medical knowledge.

2. In your opinion, is immediately studying with step 2 in mind the most efficient way to maximize the step 2 score - why or why not?
-yes. Do the above. Once you're an M3 there's no time to catch up if you're behind and it is what it is
This is good, typical step 1 advice… So there’s nothing different to do when studying specifically for step 2 from the start as opposed to studying the normal way?
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This is good, typical step 1 advice… So there’s nothing different to do when studying specifically for step 2 from the start as opposed to studying the normal way?
I don't think so, no. It would be different if there was a pathoma for step 2. There isn't. What seperates out the high achievers from the low ones is medical knowledge, most of which you learn in preclinical.

There's not much time for studying third year. You're supposed to be practicing what you "learned" already

The people in my class who matured AnKing are destroying everyone on the wards
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Step 2 tests you on treatment plans, but before you can treat you have to first diagnose, which is the basics of Step 1. Plus if you study well for Step 1 you'll do better in clinicals, assuming you take it before rotations.