Honest Opinion (institutional action)

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Dec 22, 2012
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Hey guys, I'm looking for some opinions on my stats/IA.

white male
Junior Microbioology Major
3.8 GPA
Will take the MCAT fall of senior year. I expect 30+, as I have always been a good standardized exam taker and will have extensive time to prepare.
Two summers of research, publication and LOR from PI (not first or second author)
Research on campus started this year in related subject, publication likely.

Alcohol related issue freshman year.

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I mean there's no explanation aside from foolish drunken action. I don't consider myself a thief. I have had many items stolen from me throughout my life, and I have strong personal convictions against this kind of action. I was in procession of a stolen item nearly accidentally while my judgment was impaired.
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I was accepted with a Misdemeanor for defacing public property.

I have a misdemeanor for vandalism / defacing public property too. I'm going to try and get it expunged as it happened almost five years ago. Did you gets yours expunged? If I do get it expunged, do you know if you still have to list it? Was it a big deal when you applied?

Sorry for all of the questions. I'm just a little nervous about it taking away from other parts of my application :/
I think it's going to hurt you right now. You definitely need to take ownership of your mistake. If it were me interviewing you, I'd low wait-list you, but my colleague Dr L believes in the power of redemption and s/he'd accept you. My colleage Dr G would say "why take a chance on this guy?"

The greater the time between the incident and your interviews (and I do think you'll get interviews), the greater the likelihood of acceptance. I'm basing my opinion on similar people we've interviewed.

Hey guys, I'm looking for some opinions on my stats/IA.

white male
Junior Microbio Major
3.8 GPA @ non grade-inflating ivy
Will take the MCAT fall of senior year. I expect 30+, as I have always been a good standardized exam taker and will have extensive time to prepare.
Two summers of research in neuroscience lab at resident medical school, publication and LOR from PI (not first or second author)
Research on campus started this year in related subject, publication likely.

-200 hours volunteering at free clinic
-ski team
-officer position in global health organization
-30 hours shadowing

Institutional Action:
I was arrested a month into my freshman year when I was visiting friends at another school for theft and minor in possession (alcohol). I happened to be holding a piece of patio furniture that my friends and I had taken from a local fast food restaurant when a police officer showed up and was ultimately charged formally with theft. I had a deferred sentence, and after some community service it was cleared from my record. I received a formal warning from my University.

I'm planning on taking a gap year and applying the summer following my graduation to distance myself from my freshman year shenanigans and show that I've matured. I was also considering spending 8 weeks in Nepal volunteering half the time in a rural clinic and the other half at hospital in Kathmandu as part. I'm passionate about the trip and it's self-organized, but I've heard international volunteer work is looked down upon some what. What else can I do to improve my chances or is all lost due to my arrest record?
Hey guys, I'm looking for some opinions on my stats/IA.

white male
Junior Microbio Major
3.8 GPA @ non grade-inflating ivy
Will take the MCAT fall of senior year. I expect 30+, as I have always been a good standardized exam taker and will have extensive time to prepare.
Two summers of research in neuroscience lab at resident medical school, publication and LOR from PI (not first or second author)
Research on campus started this year in related subject, publication likely.

-200 hours volunteering at free clinic
-ski team
-officer position in global health organization
-30 hours shadowing

Institutional Action:
I was arrested a month into my freshman year when I was visiting friends at another school for theft and minor in possession (alcohol). I happened to be holding a piece of patio furniture that my friends and I had taken from a local fast food restaurant when a police officer showed up and was ultimately charged formally with theft. I had a deferred sentence, and after some community service it was cleared from my record. I received a formal warning from my University.

I'm planning on taking a gap year and applying the summer following my graduation to distance myself from my freshman year shenanigans and show that I've matured. I was also considering spending 8 weeks in Nepal volunteering half the time in a rural clinic and the other half at hospital in Kathmandu as part. I'm passionate about the trip and it's self-organized, but I've heard international volunteer work is looked down upon some what. What else can I do to improve my chances or is all lost due to my arrest record?

every other part of your app seems strong. because this incident occurred freshman year and that it is relatively minor, it shouldn't derail your application. but definitely work on your explanation and be prepared to talk about it during interviews. good luck!