What're my chances at a T10? Be brutally honest.

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Nov 23, 2023
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You have good chances at receiving multiple interviews. I suggest:

  1. Harvard
  2. Stanford
  3. UPenn
  4. WashU
  5. Yale
  6. Chicago (Pritzker)
  7. USC Keck
  8. Duke
  9. David Geffen
  10. Icahn Mount Sinai
  11. Columbia
  12. NYU Langone
  13. Cornell
  14. UCSD
  15. Dartmouth
  16. Brown
  17. UCSF
  18. Vanderbilt
  19. Tufts
  20. UC Davis
  21. UCI
  22. Kaiser
  23. Colorado
  24. Vanderbilt
  25. Miami
  26. USF
  27. Iowa
  28. Case
  29. Ohio State
  30. Cincinnati
  31. Jefferson
  32. Michigan
You have good chances at receiving multiple interviews. I suggest:

  1. Harvard
  2. Stanford
  3. UPenn
  4. WashU
  5. Yale
  6. Chicago (Pritzker)
  7. USC Keck
  8. Duke
  9. David Geffen
  10. Icahn Mount Sinai
  11. Columbia
  12. NYU Langone
  13. Cornell
  14. UCSD
  15. Dartmouth
  16. Brown
  17. UCSF
  18. Vanderbilt
  19. Tufts
  20. UC Davis
  21. UCI
  22. Kaiser
  23. Colorado
  24. Vanderbilt
  25. Miami
  26. USF
  27. Iowa
  28. Case
  29. Ohio State
  30. Cincinnati
  31. Jefferson
  32. Michigan
I appreciate the response! I'll look into those other 12 schools you listed.
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Of course you have a chance. Why do you want a top 10 program? What is your mission fit with those schools? How much networking have you done?

You have a lot of experience working with refugee or immigrant communities. Do you see yourself just being involved in emergent situations? Mental health? Policy?

I presume your blog is professional in tone.
Of course you have a chance. Why do you want a top 10 program? What is your mission fit with those schools? How much networking have you done?

You have a lot of experience working with refugee or immigrant communities. Do you see yourself just being involved in emergent situations? Mental health? Policy?

I presume your blog is professional in tone.
Yeah, I definitely see myself being involved in bridging the health equity gap in refugee/immigrant communities with a focus on mental health, since a lot of times that topic is looked over. I would like a top 10 program because, I think I have a unique view of healthcare that I have gained from my experiences with these communities, and I have the potential to make a lasting impact on them. A top 10 program would provide me with a space to explore the different paths I can take in this journey.
In terms of networking, do I need to know people from these schools? I'm from a fairly small state college in Cali and most of these schools are on the East coast. What should my approach be in trying to network with these schools?
And yes, the blog is very professional.
Your app is insane (in a good way). I think you have a good chance at T10 schools as long as your writing is up to par and no weird LORs or IAs. It sounds like you have a narrative in mind already for your personal statement too which is great.
Yeah, I definitely see myself being involved in bridging the health equity gap in refugee/immigrant communities with a focus on mental health, since a lot of times that topic is looked over. I would like a top 10 program because, I think I have a unique view of healthcare that I have gained from my experiences with these communities, and I have the potential to make a lasting impact on them. A top 10 program would provide me with a space to explore the different paths I can take in this journey.
In terms of networking, do I need to know people from these schools? I'm from a fairly small state college in Cali and most of these schools are on the East coast. What should my approach be in trying to network with these schools?
And yes, the blog is very professional.
I think you need the networking because I think you need to see if what you want is something they can offer. Giving you the space to explore these paths is not the goal of medical education, and you seem to have done more than adequately well not attending a top 10 or 20 undergrad already. The networking will give you more realism about what you can do and why you need the clinical education (and debt) to make your vision a reality. You need to find the few champions to support you, and they may not be at those top 10 schools.

You likely know which programs best meet your goals and plans already. Just make sure medical school is truly necessary.
You're a strong applicant for top 10 schools but at this level it is a crapshoot for all but the best of the best applicants: built a library with your last name on it, Navy SEAL with 3.9/525, Olympic medalist. Good luck.