Hopkins Interview -- Hotels and such

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The Power of Intention
15+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
Dec 23, 2001
Reaction score
Yay! I got an interview at Hopkins!! For those of you who have already been there, what are some cheap hotels to stay at? How was the interview process?

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just curious.....how did hopkins notify you about your interview? also, would you mind posting your stats? id like to see if i have a chance at an interview based on numbers.....thanks! and congras!!!!:clap:
Originally posted by premed2
just curious.....how did hopkins notify you about your interview? also, would you mind posting your stats? id like to see if i have a chance at an interview based on numbers.....thanks! and congras!!!!:clap:


You know, people very rarely answer these questions - probably because it makes them feel like beefsteak. Or like a horse - you know, when the dealer opens its mouth to check the teeth... But nevertheless everyone really loves to ask them ... (I mean, how many of us secretly wish everyone's signature was their stats. Things would be so much simpler.)

Anyway, my photographic memory - (ha! just kidding. My crystal ball) - says that JC's stats are somewhere around
31-32 MCAT and ~3.82 GPA with plenty of EC's.
Now whether s/he will verify that is not up to me.
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We start school at Hopkins next Tuesday, and I'm pretty sure that we will quickly set up a a student hosting program. You should try to be a part of that so that you can stay somewhere for free, and you can meet some current Hopkins students.
Were you not offered a place in Reed Hall? It's not the Hyatt, but it's a free bed and you will get opportunities to interact with students. Hotels in Baltimore (at least, ones you'd want to stay in) tend to be pricey.

Check out the interview feedback section of this site. The Hopkins interview is known for its "mingling," during which you talk to other applicants and MSIV members of the adcom throughout the day. Many people find this intimidating, but the point is really to see if you have social skills. Having met my classmates, I think Hopkins knows what it's doing--my class is great.

Good luck!

Originally posted by JulianCrane
Yay! I got an interview at Hopkins!! For those of you who have already been there, what are some cheap hotels to stay at? How was the interview process?

Would you mind sharing if they notified you about the interview via e-mail or another way? Thanks!