In hindsight, I annoyed a lot of doctors and nurses when I continually asked whether they were NPO or not by fetching water.
There are two things I believe in with volunteering: What happens during your shift is between you and whatever higher power you may believe in (it's verifiable hours that ADCOMs will see in the end). But then there is also karma. So you can make your volunteer experience into what you want it to be, just be sure that whatever you do (or more likely
don't do) is going to negatively impact the department, or most importantly the patient!
Based on where I am now, if you can take piece of advice, it would be this: No matter how badly the staff treat you (I was treated like crap and it isn't an isolated incident), make sure that when you are further along in your journey, that you
NOT treat other pre-meds so badly. Maybe this will one day improve volunteer experiences for pre-meds, and result in happier experiences (and better doctors of course) all around.