I've been working as a hospitalist for the past 5-6 years now and I can tell from your description that you're getting burned out. Switching to PCP will not help that. In fact, I think it would make it worse (you'll end up seeing even more patients per day in the outpatient setting). I've been through a similar situation as you over the last year and I'm currently working on finding a new position elsewhere. What I would recommend is that you talk to your employer and cut back on your schedule. Go to a part time status while you are searching for new work. It will help to get more time off. The temporary drop in pay is worth it.
Also, I would highly recommend you search for a job that is NOT 7a-7pm and not 7 on/7 off. Those are AWFUL hours and an AWFUL way to live your life. I know of many groups out there that do things much smarter than that. The group I'm considering joining works roughly 9-3 and after 3 its just answering pager calls until 5 or 6. You can go home at 3 or 4 if you're done. And its not 7 days in a row. It could be 4 days or 5 days or 6 days at a time, its up to you based on your monthly requests for time off. If you feel like you're seeing too many patients, try moving to a smaller hospital that's less busy. We as physicians need to DEMAND better working conditions from our employers. If we don't burn out will continue to be a constant problem.
Being a hospitalist can be great when you find a group that has a good schedule and good hours and isn't too busy (12-16 patients per day would be ideal for me). Working 14-16 days per month can be great, especially if you like to travel or have kids. But, again, its up to us to demand those kind of work conditions otherwise the hospitals will continue to try to take advantage of us.