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2+ Year Member
Nov 22, 2021
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I am looking at the applicants who applied to med school these past couple of years and admittedly it feels disheartening to see such a high inflation in applicants apply to med schools, when the process was pretty difficult already in 2019 and prior. I was lately looking at the stats of all of the med schools and as expected, their averages have sky-rocketed compared to prior years. Like take Dartmouth college for example, it's a really great school that I noticed had increased from an average 3.6 to a 3.77 gpa as of now. Overall, I still plan on doing as best as I could to get into med school, but overall, it's starting to feel intimidating more and more each year with how standards are rising across the board. Whether it be for MCAT scores, GPA's, etc.

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We can only do what we can do. I just keep chugging, trying my best, and believing that when the time comes to apply it'll be enough.