How Competitive is the Dental HPSP?

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Denny Crane

Prince of all Saiyans
7+ Year Member
Jun 4, 2015
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Pre-dent here, graduated last year with BA now about to start post-bacc to get the pre-reqs. I'm just trying to get a feel for how competitive the dental hpsp is. If I get all A's in my post-bacc, I will still only have around a 3.0 GPA (cumulative and science because I failed several science courses my first two years of college). I know-long shot for dental school in general, let alone HPSP. But hypothetically if I nail the DAT and have good extra curriculars and volunteering, shadowing, etc. should I even consider applying to the HPSP? I'm mainly asking at this point because I need to lose weight if I decide to go that route but if I don't have a chance anyway I won't lose weight. I would prefer, in order, Navy, Army, AF. Thanks!

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Pre-dent here, graduated last year with BA now about to start post-bacc to get the pre-reqs. I'm just trying to get a feel for how competitive the dental hpsp is. If I get all A's in my post-bacc, I will still only have around a 3.0 GPA (cumulative and science because I failed several science courses my first two years of college). I know-long shot for dental school in general, let alone HPSP. But hypothetically if I nail the DAT and have good extra curriculars and volunteering, shadowing, etc. should I even consider applying to the HPSP? I'm mainly asking at this point because I need to lose weight if I decide to go that route but if I don't have a chance anyway I won't lose weight. I would prefer, in order, Navy, Army, AF. Thanks!

1. Wrong forum- post in military dentistry, not military medicine.
2. HPSP is very competitive for Air Force (people with 3.9+ are being rejected), less competitive but still so for Navy and Army. I think a 3.5 GPA is required, but they waive that if you get a higher DAT.
3. This isn't really the best attitude to have about your health: "I need to lose weight if I decide to go that route but if I don't have a chance anyway I won't lose weight"- Lose weight because you want to be healthy, live longer, and feel better about yourself...not because you want to qualify for a scholarship.
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John Candy joined the Army to lose weight in Stripes. It worked out ok for him.
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John Candy joined the Army to lose weight in Stripes. It worked out ok for him.

Can vouch, Army is pretty much like what you see in Stripes, with bonus points for shenaneganry. Part of the duty description for Army Dentistry, if I recall correctly...
Lol ok thanks everybody for the weight tips. I should clarify that I would have to shed 30 pounds of muscle just so y'all don't worry about my health. And I would rather not do that unless I have to because I worked hard for it. Sorry about posting in the wrong forum-I looked for military dentistry but didnt find such a forum. What's the protocol for moving posts? Do I do it myself somehow or does a mod do it?
@sjv @Winged Scapula @free99 Please see OP's request in last post.
FYI: its best to use the Report function because that will alert all staff who can assist.

I'm currently out of the country, so had you tagged just me, there would be a good chance I would not have seen this for several days.
FYI: its best to use the Report function because that will alert all staff who can assist.

I'm currently out of the country, so had you tagged just me, there would be a good chance I would not have seen this for several days.

Thanks for the input- wasn't aware of that. Will use next time!
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