How did you send checks?

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Miniature Schnauzer
10+ Year Member
Oct 11, 2010
Reaction score
I am going to send checks soon and just wondered how SDNers sent their checks to each school.

Should I just use normal white envelope with stamp, and just put my check inside and send it?? Any notes??


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You have to read each schools' website carefully. Some will want your SSN, AADSAS #, full name, etc, etc, etc. They will either tell you to put these numbers on the front of the check and some will tell you to include it separately. If they just tell you to include a check I would put my name on there somewhere or include it on a notecard or something.
So, using white envelope with 44c stamp will be okay? or should I use priority mail?

You have to read each schools' website carefully. Some will want your SSN, AADSAS #, full name, etc, etc, etc. They will either tell you to put these numbers on the front of the check and some will tell you to include it separately. If they just tell you to include a check I would put my name on there somewhere or include it on a notecard or something.
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I just did a business envelope and a regular old stamp. Like Doc said above, just make sure the school doesn't want something else with it and follow any directions they ask for (like AADSAS ID#).

I'll just watch for checks to be cashed. If I notice that mine hasn't been cashed and fellow SDN'ers have had theirs cashed, I'll start looking into it.
I agree, read every dental school's website. The supplemental materials guide from AADSAS is not enough and sometimes has a different address.