How do medical students and physicians prevent personal life from interfering with studies/patient care (ie bad breakup)

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It is a critical skill for medical students to be able to compartmentalize things

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Yeah I think the key pieces of info in this story are “I’m 26” and “she’s 23.”

Maybe still a great match in a couple years after you both have had some time to grow. Stay friendly and stay in touch and let things play out.

for now, Keep your eye on the prize. Build your future and the rest will usually follow. I don’t really know any young, fit, successful attendings who are hurting for prospective romantic partners.
When I was in medical school, there was a magical superficial app that showed me various profiles of attractive females to which i could quickly swipe as a sign i was interested in them.

That app solved many problems, but I did burn through a lot of money buying dinner for dates...the lesson from this is always do coffee the first date...