How do residents transfer into open spots?

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Aug 15, 2023
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I'm currently a PGY-2. I matched into a program into a city where I don't have family. I just wanted to hear about the process regarding applying for open residency spots. I know there's a embargo for the match, and after a certain amount of days you are no longer bound to stay there. Hypothetically if an open spot opened up in an area around my family, what would be the process for applying? Would my current PD get mad for wanting to transfer? Could you apply and as things get more serious then tell your PD? I just don't want to tell them about it until I have a reasonable idea that I would get accepted. I am on good terms with no issues.

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Only thing I can contribute here is that yes, some PDs will be furious at a residency wanting to get out of a program. It places a lot of pressure on the rest of the team, especially if the program is small. IM programs with 30+ residents may be a different story.
Only thing I can contribute here is that yes, some PDs will be furious at a residency wanting to get out of a program. It places a lot of pressure on the rest of the team, especially if the program is small. IM programs with 30+ residents may be a different story.
How small is small for a program? 4 residents, 10 residents, 15 residents?

Even if the reason is for family?
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