How do you know when is your Interview??

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I just saw an

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I just saw an update on AADSAS that I got an interview at UConn but I did not recieve anything to confirm that nor do i knew when. So do I just wait for the mail or email i guess? Could it be that AADSAS is faster than the email?
I am not also so sure if it is true only bc my DAT was done on 9-11. So maybe it was a mistake.
Haha, call the school and schedule it.
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I'd call. One of my schools said "Info's in the mail," the other let me set up an interview
Umm, I'd wait until you get an invitation before calling them.

His AADSAS said he had an interview. All that means is that there's something in the mail that'll take another half week to arrive. It's better to call.