MD How do you learn things that are not covered by pathoma on step 1?

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7+ Year Member
Jun 13, 2017
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I’m currently aiming to take exam at the end of June. I am using pathoma, first aid, uworld, bnb, and sketchy as my resources.

I am wondering how I can learn materials that are not covered in pathoma? It’s pretty easy to go through pathoma but in first aid there are a lot of things that are not covered by that book such as embryology, menstrual cycle, etc.

If I didn’t know them at all, would just reading first aid not be enough? Since first aid is more of outline of things? Do you think I should use bnb since it has very comprehensive explanations?

I’m just worried that I might not be able to go through much of bnb by end of June. I have some school related things to do for three weeks so I won’t have full time studying during that time. Is doing bnb at this point not a good idea?

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Active learning > passive reading. I'm also in dedicated and I don't know if you want to take my advice, but one thing that has helped me focus on the highest of high-yields is paying attention to UWorld questions where the % correct is very high (70-80%+) which tells me this is something everyone knows (Or should know) because its "easier". That clues me in that there's some page in FA I need to go back and learn cold, probably make anki cards out of. Similarly if there is a UWorld q with 30% that got the correct answer, I feel less concerned about not knowing it.
Rapid Review is nice but a bit dense to go through as a review resource during dedicated. Honestly UWorld will help tons and the rest you can Google after getting questions wrong on UWorld.