How does being an American Red Cross Phlebotomist help my chances?

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Jan 16, 2023
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Hello! Still trying to work on my schools list going - wondering if I should write about my phlebotomy experience at ARC in my personal statement though Ive only been a phlebotomist for a couple months.

Some stats:
1. 3.6 cGPA, 3.8 sGPA, 4.0 post bacc gpa, strong upward curve.
2. 511 total MCAT, 127 CHEM, 127 CARS, 128 BIO, 129 PSYCH
3. CA native, resident
4. ORM, asian
5. Graduated from UC Irvine
6. Tons of clinical experience, worked as a MA, Phlebotomist, lab assistant
7. Minor research experience at UCI, but have done a lot of lab work in public health
8. Lots of shadowing from family care, internal med
9. Lots of volunteering in education
10. Have a degree as a CLS (Clinical Lab Scientist, basically the people who analyze patient samples for labwork)

Any other phlebotomists here? Any tips for pre-writing secondaries?

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Yes, providing direct patient care is extremely helpful, especially phlebotomy. (I have had someone get their treatment delayed because we could not get a competent person for putting in an IV.) Don’t compel yourself to write about it if you don't feel comfortable, though I suspect after a few hundred sticks, you'll be able to talk about it.

Submit a proper WAMC in that sub forum. Advice on Pre-writing forthcoming. First impressions from me: 👍 👌
Yes, providing direct patient care is extremely helpful, especially phlebotomy. (I have had someone get their treatment delayed because we could not get a competent person for putting in an IV.) Don’t compel yourself to write about it if you don't feel comfortable, though I suspect after a few hundred sticks, you'll be able to talk about it.

Submit a proper WAMC in that sub forum. Advice on Pre-writing forthcoming. First impressions from me: 👍 👌
Thank you - I submitted a post in WAMC!