How does class rank matter for family medicine and psychiatry.

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Apr 21, 2020
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I was wondering how does class rank plays into matching in psychiatry or family med. I am a student at a med school that only includes the preclinical years into class rank, and as we are a DO school there is no AOA. I think the MSPE does mention which quartile you are sitting in.

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No, outside of the top programs or graduating top 20% of your class, and then it's just to get to pick better matching location. For both those specialties an average score with something indicating commitment to the field should be enough to match
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Psych? Maybe prestigious places.

FM? class rank never comes up.
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i was involved in recruitment for my residency program (now an attending). It was considered in one of the domains, but there were other domains that were weighed with more significance- factors that make you unique (experiences), board scores, the interview itself, etc
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