how does it feel doing a new procedure for the first time as an attending?

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7+ Year Member
Apr 28, 2016
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A bit of a background. i am about to decide about my specialty. In my country the surgical residency is of 3 years.
Now my question is , as an attending, how did you feel when you were doing a new procedure for the first time independently. that you previously had observed only. is it stressful, anxiety inducing or a normal thing. Since i know this will happen a lot if the residency is of three years.

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It's usually exciting and exhilarating. I definitely think those moments are the adrenaline fuelled highs of a surgical resident's life.
It's usually exciting and exhilarating. I definitely think those moments are the adrenaline fuelled highs of a surgical resident's life.
is that doable ? how many such situations present? basically i am trying to undersstand that it would be so likely to mess things up and have no supervision as a person is an attending now
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is that doable ? how many such situations present? basically i am trying to undersstand that it would be so likely to mess things up and have no supervision as a person is an attending now
I mean you're not going to try to remove a brain tumor as a colorectal attending. You have mastered the anatomy and surgical skills, and can apply those to a new technique or approach. You read meticulously and choreograph the operation in your head, and maybe have been to a course or can ask a colleague for tips.
Lol 40-year old virgin. Highly recommended to stop what you're doing and watch that movie. Residencies are looking for well rounded applicants lmao
lol thanks i will watch it. i am a shy person with anxiety but can function normally. i am thinking if surgical specialty is right for me ? i am fascinated by the art and science of it but am unsure about the stress it can cause? what are your thoughts