How is it like in an Ob/Gyne residency?

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Dr. Flouncy Meow

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7+ Year Member
Jul 6, 2015
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Hello all 🙂

First, some info on me; I'm an IMG, I still haven't given my steps, but I'm working towards it. I'm currently working at my med school as a sort of clinical co-coordinator/instructor for Ob/Gyne (I can give details on that later).

I've not decided on a specialty yet; all I know is that I'd like a specialty where I'd have time for myself and my family (yes I can hear the laughter), or one where I can take an academic or research -type of route. For this reason I never saw Ob/Gyne as a good choice for myself, but some doctors were recommending that I take that route anyway, and go into Gyne or Reproductive Medicine specifically. But first, I gotta finish that residency, right?

I want to know, just out of curiosity, how are your postings? What do you do, what are you timings, what do you like, hate, what do you want to do next or what opportunities are you seeing (is there some scope for a peaceful life in it, please tell me so), what thing makes this different from the other rotations... write me letters, rant to your heart's content, please. I just want to know how it's like from the people who are actually there.

I'll post more questions as they pop up in my head. Thank you!

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OBGYN is notorious for being one of the hardest and most time-consuming residencies there is. If you don't like the practice and you're just trying to use it as a platform for getting into research, I would advise against it. Have you considered Neurology? It is a research heavy field which is advancing and growing every day. Unlike some of the other primary care specialties, using it as a platform to get into research is actually encouraged. Neurology will always have big research breakthroughs and the residency is pretty laid back with plenty of family time from what I hear. The higher level residents even do call from home in some places. Something to consider.

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OBGYN is notorious for being one of the hardest and most time-consuming residencies there is. If you don't like the practice and you're just trying to use it as a platform for getting into research, I would advise against it. Have you considered Neurology? It is a research heavy field which is advancing and growing every day. Unlike some of the other primary care specialties, using it as a platform to get into research is actually encouraged. Neurology will always have big research breakthroughs and the residency is pretty laid back with plenty of family time from what I hear. The higher level residents even do call from home in some places. Something to consider.

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Thanks for the info. Can you tell me a little about your day to day work?