How long did you study for the cbse

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Jul 25, 2012
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I'm taking it in a 8 days. Just going to do (and review) 1 practice nbme a day and watch some videos at double speed in my nbme week areas. Might finish rx. I did the pastest question bank, then half of rx, then started Uworld. Uworld was the biggest help for the practice nbmes. I had a 208 on nbme 21 and need a 200 on the cbse to stay in med school. Would appreciate any ideas too, thanks!

I think the study strategy will definitely vary on what your most recent nbme score is and what your target score is.
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Just took it (edit: score was 210). The questions on my form were pretty straightforward. They weren't convoluted like the new nbmes, but the curve was harsher, so nbmes were predictive.

I think Rx, Uworld and if you google a guy put his uworld journal online based on the uworld educational objectives; reading through those three would have completely prepared you for the form I took. Every question was high yield. Nothing obscure and alot of first order questions. But I'm not sure, everyone may get different forms. I also read half of the pathoma book the morning of the exam and I think that helped.
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yes it was definitely true for my form, the questions were easier than both uworld and the practice nbmes. however the nbmes had good predictive value scorewise. i felt that the nbmes were harder than uworld for me. all the best!

i would recommend 17 and 19, plus 2 newer ones, i took 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, and 23. they were all very predictive scorewise, but harder than my cbse form. my last nbme was 23, i scored a 202 7 days before. i think i had a 194 on 17 and 201 on 19.
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