How many credit hours do you carry?

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Backwoods Boy

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10+ Year Member
Dec 9, 2008
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Hey everyone. I was just wondering how many credit hours everyone typically carries. Both this and last semester had 12 credit hours. I have arranged my schedule for the fall and will have 17 credit hours but I will only be taking one class more. I know that there is a point that one can have too much work but I seriously doubt one class will hurt me. In your experiences, at what point is too much?

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Hey everyone. I was just wondering how many credit hours everyone typically carries. Both this and last semester had 12 credit hours. I have arranged my schedule for the fall and will have 17 credit hours but I will only be taking one class more. I know that there is a point that one can have too much work but I seriously doubt one class will hurt me. In your experiences, at what point is too much?

It really depends on what type of credits - lab? lecture? research? independent study?
Well, mine are all lecture. Only one lab but the credit hours are built in. However, I would be open to hearing any type.
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I carry around 20, one summer I had 23 (at 2 schools) and they aren't light loads, last quarter I had Zoology, organic chem, inorganic chem, biochemistry, (all 4 with labs) and then an animall industries course. Thats on top of working 38-40 hour/week
It's still totally subjective...each school's different, each professor's different, each student learns differently. I've had semesters at 18 credits and been totally fine, and I've had professors in 12 credit semesters that would have made me die a horrible eye-stabbing death if I'd had more than that at the time...

Not very helpful, but I'd say it's too much if you're unable to keep up the performance you want...
I agree, it all depends. I've consistently taken 17/18 credits each semester, and have had no trouble. This semester I'm taking 10 credits to wrap up a few classes, and it's one of the hardest semesters I've had.

Keep in mind you have to somehow demonstrate that you can handle a LOT of work for admissions to vet school. You have to show them that not only can you handle tough courses, but you can manage your time well and balance other commitments in your life. I believe 12 credits is the minimum you can take per semester to be considered a full-time student (it is at my undergrad), so you may want to try to take more classes from now on - of course you'll have to figure out what works best for you.
My school didn't have credit hours, just credits, and we maxed out with 4.5 per term (3 terms in a year, not quarters or trimesteres....considered the equivalent of semesters.) every class was worth either 1/2 credit or 1 credit. All science class had a required lab, which was scored as part of the class.

So, absolutly no help on this one. I know that the 12 credit hours I took last semester + the 40+ hour job at the clinic wasn't a problem (and was far easier than my undergrad classes!)
I usually take 14-15. That is pretty standard at my school. They don't really want you to take more; in fact you're not allowed over 18 without special permission (and it costs more).
I'm taking FOUR. :D

I've done anywhere from 12-18 but these last two semesters have been spent as a part-time student because I was getting hours in at the clinic, and the 8-5:30 hours of operation don't jive with class schedules.
I usually take 14-15. That is pretty standard at my school. They don't really want you to take more; in fact you're not allowed over 18 without special permission (and it costs more).

Same with my school...I'm looking at this 23 credit thing and :eek: that would be...twice as expensive or something. Yikes.
The most I ever did was 21 credit hours and 35 hrs/wk at work. Blech. But, it really depends on the classes involved - the hardest quarters I remember weren't the heaviest in credit's the 13 credit ochem/physics/math quarter that'll put you over the edge.
I carry around 20, one summer I had 23 (at 2 schools) and they aren't light loads, last quarter I had Zoology, organic chem, inorganic chem, biochemistry, (all 4 with labs) and then an animall industries course. Thats on top of working 38-40 hour/week

Wow, that sounds painful :eek: How did you even have time to sleep, that really is over the top!
I usually have around 20 credits, but two of those are my lab work, which takes up about 20 hours a week. So it's kinda like a job...where I don't get paid. :p
I usually took about 18.. the least I ever took was 16 (the semester I was so sick I could barely get out of bed).. this was all in addition to working two jobs 15-35 hours a week and holding positions in my sorority... My final semester I took 19 and audited a class (so 22 if you count that).. actually ended up being my best semester... but really it depends on the school... and what you are taking.. I would take as many classes as you can without ruining your grades or paying extra money... I think a lot of vet schools look at "academic rigor".. which is how full your schedule was and if you were doing other activities during school.. so the more the merrier in a way... ya, my GPA is a 3.5 instead of 4.0... but I feel like I got a lot more out of my college experience by taking more classes, getting leadership experience and animal experience (I worked as a vet tech)... plus.. the last two are things that helped my application...

Also.. if you take more classes than required of you.. if you dont get into vet school.. you have all those extra classes to help you get a good job until you get in.. not that my double major in Biology and Wildlife Management with a minor in chem has employers knocking at my door... haha

Best of luck!
I usually take 14-15. That is pretty standard at my school. They don't really want you to take more; in fact you're not allowed over 18 without special permission (and it costs more).

That is the exact way my school is. They recommend under 15 usually but no more than 18 without the Dean's permission... I am unsure about whether it costs more (I have talked to quite a few people with 20+ and they haven't mentioned it) but it is possible.

Also, AgtOrange, I am still not looking forward to that semester with ochem and physics.
I usually do 16-18 units/quarter and work under 10 hrs a week(sometimes only 2 hrs/week), and be part of clubs and peer advisors. i like having free time. i'm trying to get more hours at work next quarter to make extra that means less time watching tv. :(
Same here, anything over 19 you have to get permission from the dean and you have to pay more. :thumbdown:
The past few semesters I've only taken 12 hours. Most of the classes I would want to take are offered at the exact same times (argh) and I commute 40 minutes each way to work and school which eats up a lot of my day. I hope it doesn't reflect badly on my application.
i kind of had the same question!
at Penn, we don't run on the "Credit hour" system but 1 class = 1 credit. For 4 semesters I've taken 4.5 credits (they were usually 4 lectures + 1 lab class) However, i'm taking 4 classes in the fall (orgo, vert. phys., anth., photography) and 4 classes next spring (orgo, cell bio, photography, and my independent study research project that i'm getting credit for which will be 10-20 hrs/week) this will be on top of my leadership positions on 2 boards on campus, and 2 work study jobs which are about 10-20 hrs/week. I've been debating whether or not to add another class, but I'm not sure if I'd be able to handle it 100% (which i know...doesn't sound good :thumbdown:)

Is my schedule too light? I've been concerned about this lately...but I talked to Dean Keiter at Penn Vet and he didn't seem concerned, but I'm still a little worried.

sorry for hijacking the thread with my own question!
Wow, that sounds painful :eek: How did you even have time to sleep, that really is over the top!

It actually wasnt to bad up until this last term where I took like 4 chemistry courses, I pulled a lot of all nighters, I think it depends on the structure of the classes. I planned my schedule out way a head of time. Plus it pays off in the end. I'm a 4th year college student and I switched to prevet my 2nd year so technically only 3 years into my degree and I'm as of now 1 GE away from finishing and thats on top of being able to take extra equine only related classes not required under my major.

Some people work well under stress, I'm one of them my highest GPA was when I did the 23 units and 38 hrs work/week then I take 12 units and get bored so stop caring. One thing I have to remember when I'm helpign classmates make their schedule is that I'm at the extreme of things, I see a class I think I might like so I just take it even if it puts an insane amount of load of my class schedule that quarter.
i am officially amazed at how busy people are on this board!
makes me feel like such a slacker! ;)