How many IM prelim/TY programs should I apply to?

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10+ Year Member
Dec 19, 2012
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I am at a top 5 school, Step 1: 233, two IM pubs, one subspecialty pub, five posters, some leadership positions - just trying to figure out how many programs to apply to! Do I stand a chance at the prestigious prelim programs (BWH, Yale, etc.)? Do I stand a chance at any TY programs? My goal is just to have a non-malignant experience, I would be happy with either lots of elective time or less elective time in exchange for more learning/experience.

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I am at a top 5 school, Step 1: 233, two IM pubs, one subspecialty pub, five posters, some leadership positions - just trying to figure out how many programs to apply to! Do I stand a chance at the prestigious prelim programs (BWH, Yale, etc.)? Do I stand a chance at any TY programs? My goal is just to have a non-malignant experience, I would be happy with either lots of elective time or less elective time in exchange for more learning/experience.

I'm with you - no clue. I'm probably doing 10-12 because I'm 99.9% sure I can count on matching prelim IM at my home institution, which is fine with me. Plus my field (ophtho) is moving towards integrated PGY1s anyways, so there's a good chance I won't need the separate match

What field are you applying to?