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- Apr 26, 2005
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Good luck non-tradjust remember your smart, pretty, by god people like you
right now i feel like i wont ever snap out of it, and its preventing me from studying, even though i want to. what can i do to counteract this at the time that I feel this way?
Grow up people.. It's not the end of the world..
Can someone let me know what the hell they are depressed about? I just can't see how a person could have survived in this world when taking a bunch of exams over the course of a week causes them to crumble??
Would you crumble as your spent the nights eating chinese and sitting on the floor of your office ruffling through the endless briefs you have to read to prepare for your clients huge multi million dollar lawsuit?
Lets say we have boring desk jobs. A project is due this month but theres no way were going to get it out the door. Our boss is saying that if we can't get it out the door, a bunch of new college grads would be able to fill in for us. If I would see anyone suddenly break down from the pressure, I would have a strong feeling that the person was coodled as a kid/teen/college student and didn't learn anything about the real world..
Grow up people.. It's not the end of the world..
Low serotonin levels, wise guy.Can someone let me know what the hell they are depressed about?
Low serotonin levels, wise guy.
That's it? Your stopping at a dx of low serotonin? You should know to dig deeper to understand the true cause of the low serotonin levels. Is it a genetic defect in these people? Just a lack of exercise? Lack of sex?
Just complaining about a problem doesn't solve it.
Once again, another misinformed post from our friend Polska. 🙄
If you tell your patients that and one of them commits suicide, I hope you get your a&& handed to you in a law suit. One would think a medical student would have a little more sensitivity and *gasp* knowledge about mental illness.
I didn't expect for my fellow students to have *GASP* mental illnesses.
If parents would just raise their children the right way, we wouldn't be having these problems.
For more info on raising your kid the right way:
I didn't expect for my fellow students to have *GASP* mental illnesses.
If parents would just raise their children the right way, we wouldn't be having these problems.
For more info on raising your kid the right way:
That's it? Your stopping at a dx of low serotonin? You should know to dig deeper to understand the true cause of the low serotonin levels. Is it a genetic defect in these people? Just a lack of exercise? Lack of sex?
Just complaining about a problem doesn't solve it.
I didn't expect for my fellow students to have *GASP* mental illnesses.
This is probably a manifestation of your own depression
I see you posted such a helpful response below showing your huge understanding of mental illness. BTW, it's spelled "you're" (you know, short for you are). If third graders can get it right, medical students should, too.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
I have no clue what you just wrote, and it gave me a headache to boot.🙄 The goal of language is communication. If everyone else cannot understand what you are writing, it is the tower of babel all over again.
you're gonna drive yourselves batsh*t for real when god forbid, something that actually matters goes wrong in your life.
Exactly what I'm trying to get at.. Its like med students seem not to be able to deal with things going wrong. Even if you don't get that coveted rad onc spot, was that the only reason you wanted to be in med school? or was it to help people? Passing, having friends, and treating your career as a job will still allow you to stay sane, quit buggin everyone with your problems, and fulfill your main focus.. HELPING PEOPLE!
Exactly what I'm trying to get at.. Its like med students seem not to be able to deal with things going wrong. Even if you don't get that coveted rad onc spot, was that the only reason you wanted to be in med school? or was it to help people? Passing, having friends, and treating your career as a job will still allow you to stay sane, quit buggin everyone with your problems, and fulfill your main focus.. HELPING PEOPLE!
I've had more than a few (not all!) pretty exceptional doctors personally talk to me about how their educational experience was pure hell (particularly as they went further along) and they would never repeat it. There is something "special" about med education, and I could see how people could get depressed by the stress. I've heard med school described as a gentle introduction to residency ... seems almost like a kind of boot camp that lasts for years. I'll get to experience it for myself starting next fall.
People like others to be in awe and acknowledge their sacrifices instead of just being fine with their sacrifices. I can't see myself, no matter how unhappy I would get, spending the rest of my life telling everyone how hard I had it, and how tough I had it, and they should pity me for sacrificing my life to help others.
It used to be that mom and dad would give you external gratification. Some docs seem like they haven't grown out of it and want the students/general public to see what a good girl/boy they are.
If you love what you're doing or where you are headed, it should be pretty easy to keep your head up.
People like others to be in awe and acknowledge their sacrifices instead of just being fine with their sacrifices. I can't see myself, no matter how unhappy I would get, spending the rest of my life telling everyone how hard I had it, and how tough I had it, and they should pity me for sacrificing my life to help others.
It used to be that mom and dad would give you external gratification. Some docs seem like they haven't grown out of it and want the students/general public to see what a good girl/boy they are.
If you love what you're doing or where you are headed, it should be pretty easy to keep your head up.
People like others to be in awe and acknowledge their sacrifices instead of just being fine with their sacrifices. I can't see myself, no matter how unhappy I would get, spending the rest of my life telling everyone how hard I had it, and how tough I had it, and they should pity me for sacrificing my life to help others.
It used to be that mom and dad would give you external gratification. Some docs seem like they haven't grown out of it and want the students/general public to see what a good girl/boy they are.
If you love what you're doing or where you are headed, it should be pretty easy to keep your head up.
Exactly what I'm trying to get at.. Its like med students seem not to be able to deal with things going wrong. Even if you don't get that coveted rad onc spot, was that the only reason you wanted to be in med school? or was it to help people? Passing, having friends, and treating your career as a job will still allow you to stay sane, quit buggin everyone with your problems, and fulfill your main focus.. HELPING PEOPLE!
That's it? Your stopping at a dx of low serotonin? You should know to dig deeper to understand the true cause of the low serotonin levels. Is it a genetic defect in these people? Just a lack of exercise? Lack of sex?
Just complaining about a problem doesn't solve it.
we'd prob all be a lot happier if we were getting more sex
we'd prob all be a lot happier if we were getting more sex
How many people in your medical school do you think were depressed?