How many think the ASA should stick to anesthesia?

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All this talk of “difficult IV access”. What about an IO catheter??

Super painful (pressure into the bone marrow, had an obtunded woman whk didnt scream when IO was placed but did scream when drugs were pushed through it) and also prone to failure if not placed correctly.

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Why is there a necessity for a humane death for death penalty? The whole point if being on death row is you committed a heinous crime enough to be convicted to be sentenced for death
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Why is there a necessity for a humane death for death penalty? The whole point if being on death row is you committed a heinous crime enough to be convicted to be sentenced for death
Hammurabi code should solve this Issue!
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Why is there a necessity for a humane death for death penalty? The whole point if being on death row is you committed a heinous crime enough to be convicted to be sentenced for death
Because we are not barbarians?
Why is there a necessity for a humane death for death penalty? The whole point if being on death row is you committed a heinous crime enough to be convicted to be sentenced for death

Alright you've convinced me. We should actually go for the most horrific method of execution. Perhaps the Nurse Vaught method. Paralytic drug and suffocation.
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Alright you've convinced me. We should actually go for the most horrific method of execution. Perhaps the Nurse Vaught method. Paralytic drug and suffocation.


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Executions have been medicalized to make them more palatable to the public. Lethal injection is supposedly a humane and civilized way to kill somebody. Even though it would be messier, death by firing squad or beheading by a skilled swordsman or guillotine are likely to be quicker and more humane. Let’s not hide what is happening.
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Executions have been medicalized to make them more palatable to the public. Lethal injection is supposedly a humane and civilized way to kill somebody. Even though it would be messier, death by firing squad or beheading by a skilled swordsman or guillotine are likely to be quicker and more humane. Let’s not hide what is happening.

I imagine being executed by antiaircraft gun is quick and painless. Maybe something we take away from North Korean innovation
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Executions have been medicalized to make them more palatable to the public. Lethal injection is supposedly a humane and civilized way to kill somebody. Even though it would be messier, death by firing squad or beheading by a skilled swordsman or guillotine are likely to be quicker and more humane. Let’s not hide what is happening.
Lethal injection is giving anesthesia but not resuscitating. If we induce and walk away, that's a lethal injection as well, not legal but hey, why not just let death penalty be giving pancuronium and call it a day?
Lethal injection is giving anesthesia but not resuscitating. If we induce and walk away, that's a lethal injection as well, not legal but hey, why not just let death penalty be giving pancuronium and call it a day?

Op cit. comment about not being barbarians.
I really don't know why they haven't done this somewhere yet. Completely painless and 100% lethal and seems unlikely to be subject to manufacturing shortages/bans.
Because the lay spectators will see the odd gasp or agonal respiration and announce to the world that the execution was a botched torture job.

Killing people is easy. Killing them in a way that a journalist with an agenda can't twist into a spectacle is the hard part.
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Lethal injection is giving anesthesia but not resuscitating. If we induce and walk away, that's a lethal injection as well, not legal but hey, why not just let death penalty be giving pancuronium and call it a day?
We used to do that (plus thiopental and some KCl) but then Italy got upset, and Oklahoma got creative, and here we are.

Maybe we could, I dunno, quit killing prisoners and just stuff them in a 5x9 concrete box, and give them first class healthcare and a low-fat low-sugar diet so they can live many years alone with their regret.

Even if the only thing they regret is getting caught, that's a better outcome than 20 years of stupendously expensive capital trial appeals capped off with an attempted lethal injection carried out by Bobby Allthumbs who thinks an IV is a Roman numeral.
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Unfortunately history has proven we are barbarians through and through.
Who's we? Maybe you go around beheading people on your off days, but I'm not part of the we are all the exact same if we just level the playing field crowd. Some are Hitler, some are Gandhi, and most are somewhere in between. Too many non-Barbarians to grossly say we.