How much can you improve MCAT score in 4 weeks?

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Oct 20, 2013
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Hi everyone,

I took the free AAMC MCAT 3 yesterday and got a 27 (9PS, 10V, 8BS) which was a bit disappointing, but ultimately not very surprising (see below). I also realized I need to build up my endurance, as I started to lose focus in the middle of the verbal section and ended up missing some easy questions (you know what they say about hindsight haha).
This was my first practice MCAT and I am scheduled to take the September 6th exam. I tried following SDN's 3 month study schedule, but I was working full time and fell off the schedule (also I now realize I was doing wayyy too much content review, and would often not be able to do practice problems/passages- I hadn't memorized any physics equations, so I think that might help explain my low score).

Anyways, to get to my question, I was wondering, how much do people typically improve their scores in one month? I was planning on taking the remainder of the AAMC exams and also doing additional practice problems (basically completing the last month of SDN2EDs 3 month schedule) but this time I am working part time (4hrs/day) so that I can study more. I plan on doing A LOT of practice passages and getting more comfortable with the exam format and length. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do to further increase my score? Because I have a below average GPA, I really want to score 31-32+ on the MCAT so I have a fighting chance to get into medical schools in the US.

I appreciate any help! Thanks!

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Hi everyone,

I took the free AAMC MCAT 3 yesterday and got a 27 (9PS, 10V, 8BS) which was a bit disappointing, but ultimately not very surprising (see below). I also realized I need to build up my endurance, as I started to lose focus in the middle of the verbal section and ended up missing some easy questions (you know what they say about hindsight haha).
This was my first practice MCAT and I am scheduled to take the September 6th exam. I tried following SDN's 3 month study schedule, but I was working full time and fell off the schedule (also I now realize I was doing wayyy too much content review, and would often not be able to do practice problems/passages- I hadn't memorized any physics equations, so I think that might help explain my low score).

Anyways, to get to my question, I was wondering, how much do people typically improve their scores in one month? I was planning on taking the remainder of the AAMC exams and also doing additional practice problems (basically completing the last month of SDN2EDs 3 month schedule) but this time I am working part time (4hrs/day) so that I can study more. I plan on doing A LOT of practice passages and getting more comfortable with the exam format and length. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do to further increase my score? Because I have a below average GPA, I really want to score 31-32+ on the MCAT so I have a fighting chance to get into medical schools in the US.

I appreciate any help! Thanks!
Good question on this. I'm scoring right where you are right now so I better increase as well
Well, it all depends.. if you're still working full-time, then you will probably learn and improve at the same pace. If you need a really good score you should consider taking it later or even next year. As long as you can apply super early in the application cycle, which is absolutely critical especially if you are a borderline candidate. What you can do is push hard for 3 weeks and then take another 2-3 full-length tests and see how you are doing. Don't take the MCAT unless you are ready (and average the score that you need). Good luck!
Hi everyone,

I took the free AAMC MCAT 3 yesterday and got a 27 (9PS, 10V, 8BS) which was a bit disappointing, but ultimately not very surprising (see below). I also realized I need to build up my endurance, as I started to lose focus in the middle of the verbal section and ended up missing some easy questions (you know what they say about hindsight haha).
This was my first practice MCAT and I am scheduled to take the September 6th exam. I tried following SDN's 3 month study schedule, but I was working full time and fell off the schedule (also I now realize I was doing wayyy too much content review, and would often not be able to do practice problems/passages- I hadn't memorized any physics equations, so I think that might help explain my low score).

Anyways, to get to my question, I was wondering, how much do people typically improve their scores in one month? I was planning on taking the remainder of the AAMC exams and also doing additional practice problems (basically completing the last month of SDN2EDs 3 month schedule) but this time I am working part time (4hrs/day) so that I can study more. I plan on doing A LOT of practice passages and getting more comfortable with the exam format and length. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do to further increase my score? Because I have a below average GPA, I really want to score 31-32+ on the MCAT so I have a fighting chance to get into medical schools in the US.

I appreciate any help! Thanks!

27 to a 31-32 is definitely possible in a month's time. I do have friends who have increased 9-13 points from a 17 on AAMC 3 to somewhere between a 26-30 on the real thing.
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@valkener has a great point, but I want to tack something onto it. Your average should be around your desired score, yep. I would take a safe number of tests to make sure your average isnt a fluke. Also, keep in mind that Dreamstoo's story might be an isolated incident. Err on the side of caution.
@valkener has a great point, but I want to tack something onto it. Your average should be around your desired score, yep. I would take a safe number of tests to make sure your average isnt a fluke. Also, keep in mind that Dreamstoo's story might be an isolated incident. Err on the side of caution.

I have seen people improve from their AAMC 5+ points in the last 4 weeks more than I count... and I know a lot of people who have taken this exam.

A 27 to a 32 is do able within 4 weeks for sure.
Maybe I'm just in the wrong crowd then lol I haven't really seen it.

Well when I mean improvement I mean people who originally score in the high teens/low to mid 20s and pull it to a 30 by the real MCAT within 4 weeks. I have never seen though someone who has gotten a 30+ on the first exam improve much more to be honest.
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Well, it all depends.. if you're still working full-time, then you will probably learn and improve at the same pace. If you need a really good score you should consider taking it later or even next year. As long as you can apply super early in the application cycle, which is absolutely critical especially if you are a borderline candidate. What you can do is push hard for 3 weeks and then take another 2-3 full-length tests and see how you are doing. Don't take the MCAT unless you are ready (and average the score that you need). Good luck!

Thanks for the response valkener. I will be working part time for the next month (so 4 hrs/day instead of the typical 8 hrs/day I was doing the beginning of the summer). I was also fasting in July so that didn't help, with the problem not being so much lacking energy but lacking time to study as my sleep schedule and work schedule made it very difficult to study. Anyways, not to make excuses, but I feel like I will have much more time and energy so I think I can improve at a faster pace. I really do not want to postpone this exam, for two reasons. One is that I need to start working full time again soon. And second, I want to enroll in some upper level science courses at a grad school this fall, and I'd really like to not have to worry about the MCAT anymore, so if I can do well on 9/6, then I will do all I can to make that happen.

Also thanks Dreamstoo and Saxappeal for your responses! I def agree, improving a low score by 5+ points is definitely easier/more common than increasing a 30+ score by the same amount.
So for anyone interested in my initial question, I spoke to two buddies of mine who have both taken the MCAT and are starting medical school in a couple of days and they said that improving 5+ points from your first MCAT FL is entirely possible and quite common (if done the right way of course). The key seems to be to just do practice passages and just keep doing them and continue taking FLs, which is what I plan to do. I'll post an update on how it ends up working out for me (maybe I'll move my comments to the Official Sept 6 MCAT thread haha)
So for anyone interested in my initial question, I spoke to two buddies of mine who have both taken the MCAT and are starting medical school in a couple of days and they said that improving 5+ points from your first MCAT FL is entirely possible and quite common (if done the right way of course). The key seems to be to just do practice passages and just keep doing them and continue taking FLs, which is what I plan to do. I'll post an update on how it ends up working out for me (maybe I'll move my comments to the Official Sept 6 MCAT thread haha)

It is very common dude. My friend started at a 30-31 and finished with a 36 and he got a 13+ on two sections. I hung out with him that night after his MCAT was taken and he was just smiling and calm. He knew he did well and was predicted a 35.
That's awesome! And I trust you man lol, I just was giving some more proof to your statement that it can be done, thats all!
Hi everyone,

I took the free AAMC MCAT 3 yesterday and got a 27 (9PS, 10V, 8BS) which was a bit disappointing, but ultimately not very surprising (see below). I also realized I need to build up my endurance, as I started to lose focus in the middle of the verbal section and ended up missing some easy questions (you know what they say about hindsight haha).
This was my first practice MCAT and I am scheduled to take the September 6th exam. I tried following SDN's 3 month study schedule, but I was working full time and fell off the schedule (also I now realize I was doing wayyy too much content review, and would often not be able to do practice problems/passages- I hadn't memorized any physics equations, so I think that might help explain my low score).

Anyways, to get to my question, I was wondering, how much do people typically improve their scores in one month? I was planning on taking the remainder of the AAMC exams and also doing additional practice problems (basically completing the last month of SDN2EDs 3 month schedule) but this time I am working part time (4hrs/day) so that I can study more. I plan on doing A LOT of practice passages and getting more comfortable with the exam format and length. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do to further increase my score? Because I have a below average GPA, I really want to score 31-32+ on the MCAT so I have a fighting chance to get into medical schools in the US.

I appreciate any help! Thanks!

Hi there!

Wow I just came across this discussion when I was searching on the possibility of still taking my exam on September 6th as well! I thought it was funny we have the same test date. But my problem is that I'm just not feeling ready so I have to move my exam...unfortunately I have to take it in a random state too. :/
Hi there!

Wow I just came across this discussion when I was searching on the possibility of still taking my exam on September 6th as well! I thought it was funny we have the same test date. But my problem is that I'm just not feeling ready so I have to move my exam...unfortunately I have to take it in a random state too. :/

I had to reschedule too. I got really sick and couldn't do anything for a week, then when I got back to work I had a lot to catch up on and am finally free to study again. Gonna be taking it 9/18. Luckily found a place close to home so it worked out for me. Hope you are feeling better about your new exam date, best of luck to you as well! We'll crush it, just need to keep working hard and it'll pay off hopefully!