How much research is adequate to match uro?

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2+ Year Member
Apr 26, 2019
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Rising M4 interested in Urology. I'm curious how many publications and research is needed in order to match. I have a couple of things on my CV already but seeing the number of publications by others is somewhat discouraging. I have pretty strong ties with my home urology department but my school isn't a big research powerhouse. Thoughts on this and other things to improve my odds of matching?

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There has been research published on this: PubMed-Indexed Research Productivity of Students Matching at Top Urology Programs: 2017-2020 - PubMed
"The average number of publications across all 4 years was 2.38 ± 4.19. The average for urology-specific publications was 1.05 ± 3.19 and for first/last author publications was 0.80 ± 1.77. Most matched applicants had at least one PubMed-indexed publication (61.2%) and having over 3 placed them in the 75th percentile. It is uncommon for students to have urology specific or first/last author publications (34.0%, 36.5%). Top 10 programs matched applicants with significantly more research in each of the aforementioned categories and as program reputation declined, so did the publications of the applicants they matched."
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I think research is more important than it was before step 1 went pass fail but what I have been seeing over the years since then is applicants beefing up their resume with a lot of junk research projects. Overall it’s rare for any medical student to be a part is some significant research so just having some research items shows an interest in the field should be enough.