Got done with preclinical recently. Took CBSE a few weeks ago and got a 200. Took NBME 13 today and got a 221. Thankfully, I am at a school that takes Step 1 after the clinical rotations, so I will be taking Step 1 several months later. We get about 6-8 weeks for the dedicated step period, depending on how much vacation you take.
I have not done any qbank besides about 1000 questions on USMLE-Rx over my M2 year, so I have plenty of resources that I never touched (UWorld, old NBME's, Kaplan - as a side note, I would also love to know how feasible it is to finish all of these over 8 weeks if you are not just solving questions but are actually reading answer explanations and "study"). I am actually gunning for a 260+, though. I've seen many posts that say they increased like 60 points over dedicated, but not many that stagnated over dedicated. I think these stats are biased heavily for the positive outliers, and I would love to hear stories about "friends" that did not increase much so I can get a more accurate sense of how much increase to expect.
tl;dr Around 220 prededicated. On average what will the score be after dedicated?
I have not done any qbank besides about 1000 questions on USMLE-Rx over my M2 year, so I have plenty of resources that I never touched (UWorld, old NBME's, Kaplan - as a side note, I would also love to know how feasible it is to finish all of these over 8 weeks if you are not just solving questions but are actually reading answer explanations and "study"). I am actually gunning for a 260+, though. I've seen many posts that say they increased like 60 points over dedicated, but not many that stagnated over dedicated. I think these stats are biased heavily for the positive outliers, and I would love to hear stories about "friends" that did not increase much so I can get a more accurate sense of how much increase to expect.
tl;dr Around 220 prededicated. On average what will the score be after dedicated?