How much time does your school give?

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How much time does your school give you to study for boards?

  • 1 wk

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • 2 wks

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • 3 wks

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • 4+ wks

    Votes: 23 71.9%

  • Total voters


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10+ Year Member
Aug 12, 2010
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Just curious as to how many weeks your school gives for boards, that is the time between the last day of classes and the beginning of your rotations… dedicated study time!

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You probably should change your pole to 3 or less, 4, 5, 6 or more.
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We calm down towards the end of the semester but dedicated time is 10 days unless you sacrifice your vacation month or are marked as a probable fail and forced to take more time.

We get a dedicated month at the beginning of 4th year for level 2.

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About 5 weeks. In theory my school allows 6, but thats if you dont fail any of the clinical exams required to pass 2nd year. Most of my class failed at least one SOAP note etc, and had to redo it in that first week.... thus shortening it to 5. And this is assuming you take no break between boards and rotations. Also, semester had like 4 courses crammed into last month so it was a write off for board studying.

I think they listened to feedback, I heard its in theory better this year
5 weeks which IMHO is the perfect amount of study time needed. I was burnt the hell out by the end of the 5 weeks. Anymore time spent studying would have been a waste.
We get dedicated board study time starting April 1, but the block from Jan to the end of March has somewhat of a lighter load to allow us more time if we want it.
Did the respondents refer to their own study time (as opposed to official time off) when they clicked "2 wks" - or did they mean Step 2?
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Did the respondents refer to their own study time (as opposed to official time off) when they clicked "2 wks" - or did they mean Step 2?
I think it's official time. A few schools out there give very little time between the last official classes and the beginning of rotations.
1 Month if you choose (you loose a vacation month 4th year) other than that I think the time is very limited (1-2 weeks)
We get out in late May and start rotations in late July. However, we're required to take COMLEX by June 17th. So, all in all we get fourish weeks.
I gotta check my school but if I'm only given 4ish weeks, I'll use two weeks of my vacation time so I can adequately study for USMLE and COMLEX and whatever remaining time I have I'll use it to relax and refresh my mind for rotations.
I have been out for a little while, but our school gave us about 10-14 days of pure board study time (ie. no classes), spring quarter was less credits, but still had classes up until late may and started rotations early june.
[q uote="dav86, post: 14827966, member: 155292"]I have been out for a little while, but our school gave us about 10-14 days of pure board study time (ie. no classes), spring quarter was less credits, but still had classes up until late may and started rotations early june.[/quote]

Did you feel 10-14 days were enough?