How To Cancel Step 1?

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Jul 27, 2018
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How can I cancel step 1? I looked it up on NBME and there's no straight answer.

I'm 5 days out (Aug 1st) and want to take it next year and the end of clerkships. I see that I can extend my eligibility period, but it only extends it for 3 months.

Can I cancel now without losing too much money?


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How can I cancel step 1? I looked it up on NBME and there's no straight answer.

I'm 5 days out (Aug 1st) and want to take it next year and the end of clerkships. I see that I can extend my eligibility period, but it only extends it for 3 months.

Can I cancel now without losing too much money?


You will lose all the money but you can do it on the prometric website if that is where you were planning on testing.
Okay, so looks like I cancel on the site and lose all the money, that's kind of lame but oh well.

Anyone know if you can keep using the extension though? There's an option for 3 month extension eligibility period for like 75$, could I use that like 4 times instead of having to reschedule the entire thing with the full payment a year later?