How to cram (I know it's not ideal)

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Apr 21, 2021
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So, I'm in a Medical Masters program and I have an exam this upcoming week. I learned as much as possible on the respiratory system and I'm currently reviewing the renal system. I know cramming is bad but what's the best method to do it? I need to review like 4-5 chapters in a day or two. I've had stuff come up that's detracted me but I'm determined to learn.

Appreciate any advice. Thanks!

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I use fear of failure as a motivation after I have procrastinated for too long. Pomodoro increases my productivity.
I use fear of failure as a motivation after I have procrastinated for too long. Pomodoro increases my productivity.

Gotcha. I've been using Pomodoro all day but I'm exhausted. I have Sunday left and believe I can cover everything. I have a healthy fear but I don't think I'm overly anxious. Thanks for the input.
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I'm not going to cover everything and now I'm just super depressed. I want to get through this Master's but it seems so out of reach. I don't know what to do.
Keep working... you can't say "can't" until you sit down to take that exam.
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It is difficult to stay confident about an exam when you feel overwhelmed (as is normal when you are in a SMP/med school). Just give it your best, remember to take breaks regularly (again I suggest the pomodoro method) and try to be kind to yourself (which I also know is difficult).

I'm glad your exam went well. Keep up the good work!
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