USMLE How to do Step 1 Prep with 30% on UW

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Mar 11, 2011
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If anyone can help it would be really appreciated. I have been stuck for 3 years. I have delayed my step one studying for more than 3 years. I have been on and off with studying because I just could not focus. But now I have finally gotten on the saddle to start my studying again. I have run into a wall. I dont know where to start, what to do. My school has given me a 3 month deadline to register for my step one otherwise I will have to be forced to withdraw. So I am lost and confused as to where to start or what to do.
I am planning on doing UW questions every day ( so far from what I have started, I am at 30% on UW with done 25% of the questions). I am reading a few pages of FA ever day along with also watching Pass Program videos.
Can anyone help? Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Spend time doing FA and w/e other basic background you need. You clearly aren't at the point where uworld is useful, and you really are just wasting the questions since you don't know the material. Take a step back and learn the basics. Most US MD's prep for the exam within 4-5 weeks. That means you have nearly 2 months to get to that point.
Spend time doing FA and w/e other basic background you need. You clearly aren't at the point where uworld is useful, and you really are just wasting the questions since you don't know the material. Take a step back and learn the basics. Most US MD's prep for the exam within 4-5 weeks. That means you have nearly 2 months to get to that point.
Yes, I know I have to do FA, which I am. but its not helping me with questions. Should I just read FA and not do anything else and once I am done FA I should start doing questions?
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Yes, I know I have to do FA, which I am. but its not helping me with questions. Should I just read FA and not do anything else and once I am done FA I should start doing questions?
I would go through pathoma first then, I'm not sure what is holding you back, but pathoma should help you build a better foundation so that hopefully FA will make more sense
If anyone can help it would be really appreciated. I have been stuck for 3 years. I have delayed my step one studying for more than 3 years. I have been on and off with studying because I just could not focus. But now I have finally gotten on the saddle to start my studying again. I have run into a wall. I dont know where to start, what to do. My school has given me a 3 month deadline to register for my step one otherwise I will have to be forced to withdraw. So I am lost and confused as to where to start or what to do.
I am planning on doing UW questions every day ( so far from what I have started, I am at 30% on UW with done 25% of the questions). I am reading a few pages of FA ever day along with also watching Pass Program videos.
Can anyone help? Does anyone have any suggestions?
DIT should help you get through FA. I recommend DIT.
well 30% means you really lacking the material. all the procrastination isnt doing any good in your case. the key to this exam its get to a regular study rhythm and keep it. If you stop studying for 4 days in a row you'll be back to where you started (REALLY).

thats a good advice.
memorizing FA, if you want include DIT(you can do it in 15 days with the appropiate time distribution), PATHOMA (done in 10 days) , QS EVERY DAY. at least a full set with the proper revision. also would advice listening to goljan audios if you can during your spare time.
that should get you to passing the NBMEs. you should do them, revise them after, check for the content you failed on them.
and well try to procrastinate to the minimum. find the hours where you feel more comfortable studying and study those hours, if you need take half day off per week. and just keep going YOU CAN DO THIS!