How to plan for retake?

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7+ Year Member
Aug 11, 2017
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I recently received my MCAT score of 500 (123/127/124/126). I believe I can do better especially in CARS and P/S (but probably not by September), but I’m unsure how to better prep for next go around. I used a prep course, 5 BP FLs, 2 AAMC Fls (the free ones), and 50% of UWorld. I’ve tried Anki, but I had a hard time spending time on screen with flash cards. For those of you that have significantly improved from low MCAT scores, what methods worked best?

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This link will hopefully offer some useful suggestions. It is time-tested, but requires a ton of painful work. Good luck!
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You really need to do anki. Or some kind of spaced repetition.

All of us forget stuff we don't use. It's how our brains work. You have to combat this somehow or you won't improve.

Also, practice practice practice, and review your questions. It's not enough to do questions, you have to find out why you missed the question and make absolutely sure you never make that mistake again