HPSP updated contract (ARMY)

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Sep 14, 2015
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Hey guys, I was awarded the 3 year hpsp with the army. I have not been able to swear in or move forward because we are waiting on an "updated hpsp contract" i'm just wondering what that is and if anyone is in the same boat or had a similar experience?


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Hey guys, I was awarded the 3 year hpsp with the army. I have not been able to swear in or move forward because we are waiting on an "updated hpsp contract" i'm just wondering what that is and if anyone is in the same boat or had a similar experience?

I was selected for Navy HPSP. I know for our branch, we need to complete an academic year statement form with the help of the school and send in a letter of acceptance. Then we obtain a final selection letter and go through the scrolling process and Congress. After congress approves the scroll, we can swear in and commission. Could be several months before all that is completed. It’s probably different for the Army, but I would still consider asking your recruiter.
I was selected for AF 3-year and actually swore-in today. Found out I was selected on Dec 13, and scroll was approved 2 weeks ago.

I don't know what the hold up is, unless its simply something that is specific to the Army's HPSP (like a revised contract for only y'all for some reason). Let me check with one of my buddies who was also selected for the Army 3-year and see if he can't shed some light on his side of things.

Edit: He hasn't had his go through either, yet. Most likely somewhere up top in the Army there is a hold up. Hope it goes through soon for you!
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I was selected for Navy HPSP. I know for our branch, we need to complete an academic year statement form with the help of the school and send in a letter of acceptance. Then we obtain a final selection letter and go through the scrolling process and Congress. After congress approves the scroll, we can swear in and commission. Could be several months before all that is completed. It’s probably different for the Army, but I would still consider asking your recruiter.
Did you get your security clearance before you swore in?
Did you get your security clearance before you swore in?
I was only recommended for HPSP selection a week or 2 ago. I would imagine the security clearance comes after swearing in; however, I assume the Military will have completed their background checks long before allowing you to swear in. I believe I completed my SF-86 a few months ago, before submitting my packet to the board.