hygienists(except florida)

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Jul 19, 2006
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I know the hygiene thread has been posted and reposted but I have a question for foreign dentists practising hygiene in other states EXCEPT florida!
I know one Indian trained dentist in Virginia making about $500/day as a hygienist, this is not just hearsay, saw the paycheck, which comes to about 120k, she is on higher end but i know alot making 80s, she did 2yrs hygiene sch
okay, question is, are there any foreign trained dentists who have decided to stick with hygiene, please pm me or post here about your experiences

(dear NileBDS, love ya, please don't delete my question :love:)

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I hv my friend who resolved to work as a dental hygine, but she hv to go take a 2 year program at community college. So you hv to check with community college in your area.
I know the hygiene thread has been posted and reposted but I have a question for foreign dentists practising hygiene in other states EXCEPT florida!
I know one Indian trained dentist in Virginia making about $500/day as a hygienist, this is not just hearsay, saw the paycheck, which comes to about 120k, she is on higher end but i know alot making 80s, she did 2yrs hygiene sch
okay, question is, are there any foreign trained dentists who have decided to stick with hygiene, please pm me or post here about your experiences

(dear NileBDS, love ya, please don't delete my question :love:)

If your thread title did not include "except Florida", then I may have actually deleted it for obvious reasons.

Anyways, it seems to me that your question is basically "how much do hygienists in the US make ?". I am not saying that you're lying, but I REALLY DOUBT that any hygienist makes $500/day, unless she's working as a temp ... An experienced hygienist (and I'm talking 15 - 20 years experience) can make somewhere between $35 and $40/hr. We all know there are only 8hrs/day.
ok now you can delete it, thanks :love: